Football Finance

The Partner for International Football.

International specialist for working capital financing of football companies, innovator of a value account model as well as investor in the field of football companies.

While current market participants only offer their services in selected sectors of football financing, LIBERO football finance AG examines the overall economic and financial situation of a football club, and develops a bespoke solution for the club based on:

Libero Exchange

The operator of the international platform Libero Exchange.


Interview mit dem Vorstand der LIBERO football finance AG (LIBERO AG), Dr. Achim Illner, zur Unternehmensentwicklung, den Herausforderungen des Jahresabschlusses 2023 und den Perspektiven für die Zukunft. (...)
Spanish football club FC Barcelona announced that it has introduced new strategic partners to accelerate the growth of Barça Vision (Bridgeburg) and has entered an agreement with Mountain & Co. I Acquisition Corp to ensure the success of Barça Media. (...)
LIBERO football finance AG has acquired a 9.8% stake in Bridgeburg Invest S.L. Barcelona, the holding company of Barça Vision, for a purchase price of €40 million. (...)

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Forfaiting and Factoring

Forfaiting and Factoring

Pre-financing of receivables, in particular from transfer, TV and sponsorship revenues and squad financing, ticket size 2m – 25m EUR/USD each.

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Debt Capital and Refinancing

Debt Capital and Refinancing

Issuance or redemption of bonds and loans, financing of stadiums or youth training centers, ticket size 30m – 300m EUR/USD each.

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Equity Investments and Fundraising

Equity Investments and Fundraising

Purchase of shares or procurement of buyers in football companies or shareholding in their media company, ticket size 10m – 500m EUR/USD each.

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Strategic Consulting


Strategic consulting services for football clubs as well as investors in the areas of finance, sports and marketing and sustainability.

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